Sunday, January 31, 2010

Voltage and Current Conductions (Problem 19.4)

I'm familiar with the traditional H-bridge in the text with parallel diodes across the transistor. But the homework problem (19.4) I'm having trouble visualizing what is conducting (as far as voltage is concerned) to get the sinusoidal nature.

Let's take below resonance (vc(t) leads Ig(t)] for example. In the first interval, Q1, Q4, D1, D4 must conduct to get positive Ig. This interval can be broken up into 2 subintervals......when Ig is positive and vc(t) is positive......and when Ig is positive but vc(t) is negative. What devices conduct voltage for each of these two subintervals?


Jan Gaciu said...


Here is what I think based on Vojkan early comments:
"current fed bridge: current(square wave) is driving the resonant tank and the tank response is the voltage(sine with the phase shift)"

see fig 19.27 I did change Is into Vc and change Vg into Iswitch. when V is positive and I is negative I noted Q2D2Q3D3 conduct current.
I am reviewing mid-term PE1(2008).

Jan Gaciu said...

One more hint... It looks the converter like a boost and try to coordinate the switching to get sine.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the boost converter hint......that helped alot.

Yusuf said...

I did not understand about the boost. Can you please explain?

Jan Gaciu said...


Hope you see this before you hand the homework.
Q1Q2 are ON. After you charge the input inductor then create a path to resonant circuit by Q2 off and Q4 on(right transition). Repeat the same mechanism for the other leg with Q4 on Q3 on. Then Q4 off and Q2 on (left transition).
Hope this helps.