Monday, March 8, 2010

F=1, J=2 case

Can someone please describe the state plane in this case. The way I get it does not make complete sense to me becausein this case MA1 = pi, MA2 = pi-2, alpha=beta=pi/2 and two of the centers are at 0,0 one at 2,0 and one at -2,0. So basically the Q2 subinterval does not start where the D1 subinterval ends. This is what I a cannot understand. Any hints?

Saturday, March 6, 2010

HW7: Pb1, state plane diagram

In part a of this question where we have to plot the state plane diagram, do we have to give numerical values. Most of the points have numerical values except Jmp, because the problem has no info. about the ripple.


Hey ppl,
in prob.3, how is the operation of the src(above resonance) any different from that below resonance, apart from the fact that the direction is now counter-clockwise? I am unable to proceed any further with this problem, so any help is appreciated!

HW7 Q3(b) Above Resonsance State Plane

I found the ellipse equation to be the same as that of 'below resonance' case. Anybody getting a different result?