Thursday, March 8, 2012

HW7 prob 2

Hello everyone. I need some help.

Part a. Is anyone else calculating a vertical line at pi-2 for mc vs jl?

Part b. From the lecture notes gamma=2pi and J=2/pi. Here is what I've calculated for the rest. Mc1=2, Ma2=3/2, Ma1=1/2, alpha=undefined and beta=undefined. Does this sound correct? I'm assuming the sketch will be a horizontal line at J=pi/2.

Thanks for the help.


Rob Helvestine said...

Hi Joe,

For part a, I calculated a circle, centered at the origin, with a radius of pi. You can calculate M=1. I figured because the current and voltage waveforms align perfectly (no leading or lagging), there is only a Q1 and Q2 subinterval - no D1 or D2 subinterval. Hence beta = pi, and alpha = 0.

For b, your values are correct except for alpha and beta. I got gamma = 2*pi, and alpha = beta = pi. Therefore the state-plane diagram would be four semicircles, each with an angle of pi, starting at M = 0.5, J = 0. I not too confident on part B, but I have convinced myself so far that it makes sense :)


Rob Helvestine said...

Just a clarification: When I wrote, "starting at M = 0.5, J =0" I meant the first semicircle is centered there, with a radius of MA1.