Saturday, March 10, 2012

MATLAB graphing in HW7 Problem 3

Hi class,

I'm very bad at MATLAB to say the least and am having trouble graphing the equations in problem 3. We're supposed to graph similar equations to what is shown in slides 13 and 16 of Lecture 22.

Right now I am rearranging the equations as J = ........*M and then using plot(M,J)

However, it is very tedious and I am not sure my graph is correct. Is there a simpler way to graph these equations? If you could point me to some MATLAB references that would be great.



Luke T. said...

I'm just starting the problem myself, but you could turn hold on, and then just use a for loop to increment the parameter and re plot.

Khoa said...

I find using Mathcad be to plot the function easier since the equation is written in a more human notation. You can download a 30-day trial here: