Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Problem with QSWsynch1pt Excel sheet crashing?

Hey everyone.  Is anyone else having a problem with the 'QSWsynch1pt.xls' Excel sheet from the 'Materials on QSW' section of the class page?  When I adjust any of the three values in the yellow boxes it crashes Excel.  I am running Excel 2007 and have macros enabled.  When macros are disabled, then I can edit the cells, but the link to the auto-computation is broken and the calc doesn't work (and Excel doesn't crash).

I can get the other one (QSWspreadsheet.xls) to work.  When I change the yellow cells, the calculated values below update and all is good.

Anyone else having this problem?  Or am I missing something?  Thanks 

Monday, April 30, 2012

Active clamp forward

I'm stuck as I can't seem to get an expression for jm1 for the active clamp forward. It may or may not be necessary, as Cclamp adjusts to reset the XFR but is there a way to determine this? Also it seems that once the turns ratio is fixed and the device parasitics are fixed (by virtue of selecting a particular mosfet) all I can do is play with Lm to achieve ZVS and select this in a manner that minimizes the magnetization current. Anybody else have a different approach?

Compensating resonant converters

I had a question regarding the compensation of a resonant converter be it a resonant inverter or a half/full bridge converter that has DC output voltage or any of the ZVS/ZCS half wave or full wave QR or QSW converters that we studied in class. How do we go about compensating such converters? Is a typical PID controller enough like the one we studied in intro to Power electronics? Or is there something additional required? Any tips and references are appreciated.