Tuesday, January 26, 2010

19.3: Resonant Tank

Is the resonant tank, all though a dual of the series resonator, acting with the characteristics of a parallel resonant tank? I think this is what dual implies........the dual of series network is a parallel network.....


Vojkan said...

19.3 current fed bridge is dual to the voltage fed bridge in the series resonant converter

- current fed bridge: current(square wave) is driving the resonant tank and the tank response is the voltage(sine with the phase shift)
- series resonant converter: voltage(square wave) is driving the resonant tank and the tank response is the current(sine with the phase shift)

Anonymous said...

So I think your saying what I'm trying to say.....the actual analysis of the resonant portion of this problem should be exactly the same as what is outlined in the text for a parallel resonant converter?

Nice perspective above....

Yusuf said...

By the discussion above then M will come out to be the same form as for PRC case except magn(H(s)) will have different value?

Anonymous said...

That's what I'm thinking....H(s) will indeed be different. Although the resonant tank is in series, the output of the tank (sinusoidal voltage from capacitor) is driving the rectifier (i.e. action of a parallel resonant converter).