Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hw 2 Pb 19.3

Hello All,
I've trouble understanding how the circuit should work in this pb.
Can I have a hint please ?


Yusuf said...
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Anonymous said...

Problem 19.1

I think the GENERAL, VARIABLE BASED diagram of the network is the same as in the textbook except for the switch network (which you just divide by 2 I think). However, when you plug in numerical values you'll need to take into account the transformer (for alterations to currents and voltages to the right of it).

But, Yusuf, you are on the right track.

Anonymous said...
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Yusuf said...
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Anonymous said...

Yeah that's why I removed that comment.....I post stuff on here way too fast (just to propagate it through). Your correct on the above....the Cb adjusts the output of the switch network so its purely AC with no DC offset. Your mathematical explanation is correct.

Yusuf said...
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Anonymous said...

For Problem 19.3: Just so I'm on the right foot. The resonator is just a parallel resonator, correct (well...that is, its how the configuration behaves?)

Yusuf said...

Guys I must apologize, I have been talking here about P19.1. I am sorry if my comments have mislead y'all. I am deleting my posts.

wrich said...

Brandon you are correct. The tank is a parallel resonator. You can tell this because the tank is in parallel the rectifier. We treat it as a PRC since the capacitor is in parallel with the rectifier but in this case both the inductor and the capacitor are in parallel with the rectifier. Current will still be the driver of the rectifier.