Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Problem viewing the first lecture.

Is anyone else having problems watching the first class online? For me, it keeps buffering too often and the slides are not following the professor's lectures. Sometimes slide just goes blank.


E. Ayichew said...

I am watching it without an issue. One thing I noted is it tends repeat/echo the sound when I try to resize the Tegrity window.

Dragan said...

You may want to inform CAETE technical support of these issues,

PiyuDhaker said...

I am watching it using Google reader and i do not see any issues. Maybe you should also try this in case you are already not on Google reader

Anonymous said...

I've also experienced the same issues as listed above. If you try scaling the video while the lecture is in progress, the lecture can go black in the important regions or you will also get an echo. There is no way around this other than shutting down and restarting (Tegrity is smart enough to take you back to where you left off). To get maximum potential, maximize the screen right from the beginning......

Anonymous said...

I'd also consider downloading the lectures to your computer and watching (for the buffering comment). There's a button in the lower right of the screen to do this.

Audrey said...

I got the same echo when I resized the window. I had to shut down everythign and restart my brower. I also could not see the final slide where he was annotating the circuit diagram. Other than this the lecture was fine.