R_infinity=L/(Cs||Cp) doesnt seem right.
this is second edition book, sixth printing.
I couldn find any errata that talks about this.
Thank you.
In general: tau=RC=L/R, so R=sqrt(L/C)
Blog for students taking ECEN5817 Resonant and Soft Switching Techniques in Power Electronics, ECEE Department, University of Colorado at Boulder, Spring 2012
Good point, this is one of the (very) few remaining typos in the book. This should say: sqrt(L/(Cs||Cp))
Hello All,
For problem 19.1 a, I wonder how Rinf is being used ? For my VOC equation I get:
VOC = Vs/(1+Cp/Cs) / ( 1 + Ls * Cs||Cp s^2 )
= Vs/(1+Cp/Cs) / ( 1 + s^2/winf^2 )
then for my Isc I use formula:
Isc = VOC / Zoo
given Zoo = (jXs||jXp)
Final form of my Isc is:
Isc = s*Cs / ( Ls*Cs*s^2 + 1)
I am stuck on how to represent Isc in term of n,Vg, and F with this form.
Thank you
Could you explain where you got your VOC equation? I am using the ||H_inf||||v_si|| equation, and using a voltage divider as in class for ||H_inf||.
I get ||H_inf|| = (C_s/C_p)/(1-L*C_s*w_s^2), but in my equation re-arranging I can't seem to find a way to replace the L*C_s term with w_inf and R_inf. Am I missing something here?
Hello Audrey,
The annotated lecture note on Mon (Feb 3) slide # 10 describes how Hinf is being derived.
Sorry, I mean Mon (Feb 1), lecture # 9 slides (annotated).
I am with you now for your VOC formula. Your ISC looks very close to where I am stuck with the following differences:
- a couple sign differences, I think this is mostly because I am using all w_s instead of s. Since this came from magnitudes I don't think Isc should have any imaginary parts.
- I still have a V_g term from my original VOC formula.
I agree that I am stuck as to how to express it in the desired terms. The term I am trying to reduce is C_s w_2/(1-w_s^2*L*C_s).
Isc=Isc(n,Vg, R_inf and F):
The idea is to express each of these terms: Cp, Cs and L as the function of R_inf, n, f_inf and than plug it back into the equation.
For Isc, note that the following:
Isc = Voc/Zoo = Vs1*Hinf(jws) / Zoo = Vs1/Xs (see slide 11 of the design lecture)....
The trick is to transform Xs in terms of those variables.
I'm working on it....I'm a little behind because I was on business for 2 days.
Might as well contribute to this blog a little..
I think I figured out Isc...the key is getting what L is equal to as a function of w_inf and R_inf (w_inf derived from f_inf)
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