Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hw10, pb2a


Did anyone figure out how to solve part a yet ? I am trying to
figure out α - ς. My final equation for JL is:

JL = F/(2*π) * ( (1-μ) * (α - ς) * ( D/F + (1-μ)/μ * D )

where D = (α + ς)/(ωo.Ts)



Vojkan said...

Θ=α+ζ (Q1/D1 conduction angle),
δ=Q2/D2 conduction angle

HW10 pb2 defines D=(α + ζ)/(ωo*Ts) while L35 slide 11 defines D=(α + ζ+ξ)/(ωo*Ts)
Should dead time ξ/(ωo*Ts) be included in D?

Dragan said...

Sorry for the confusion. I have just posted on the course website the definitions for D and various angles to apply in this problem

Andy said...

Vojkan, I agree with your
J=F/(4*pi)*[...], above.
This contradicts J=F/(2*pi)*[...] in L34 p8, since the 4*pi is not specific to the two transistor version. I suppose we're in agreement that the 2*pi in L34 is an error?

Anonymous said...
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Vojkan said...

J=F/(4*pi)*[...] is in the notes posted on the schedule page L33: QSWZVSnotes.pdf page 13