Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Question about example problem and solution


I was working through the example problem and solution provided and came up with an inconsistency that relates to homework problem 1.

In the solution, on page 4, the denominator polynomial is shown as having two roots at

s = (-wo/2Q) +/- j(wo/2Q)..............

My problem is with the (wo/2Q) terms. After working through the problem on my own, everything seems fine, except those terms should instead be (1/(2Qwo)).

Even if you work out the problem using R's, C's, and L's, my solution would still be simplified to (1/(2Qwo)). Because the tank transfer function is the of the same form as homework problem 1, this makes a difference for the homework assignment. Can someone please confirm if the example solution is correct or if there is an error in the solution? Thank you.


Shengyu Wang said...

The example solution is correct.

Dragan said...

Yes, the example solution is correct.