Monday, April 30, 2012

Compensating resonant converters

I had a question regarding the compensation of a resonant converter be it a resonant inverter or a half/full bridge converter that has DC output voltage or any of the ZVS/ZCS half wave or full wave QR or QSW converters that we studied in class. How do we go about compensating such converters? Is a typical PID controller enough like the one we studied in intro to Power electronics? Or is there something additional required? Any tips and references are appreciated.


SM said...

Some additions:

1. Do we use the method for ZVS/ZCS HW/FW for finding the Gvd for a full bridge phase shifted converter?

2. Isn't Genv(s) the small signal model of the resonant inverter?

Dragan said...

1. Same control methods, e.g. PI or PID controllers, apply to resonant converters.

2. Gvd for the phase-shifted full bridge can be found using exactly the same approach as we did for ZVS/ZCS or ZVS-QSW converters

3. Genv(s) is the control-to-envelope transfer function for resonant inverters. This, however, has nothing to do with transfer functions in point 2 above.