Saturday, April 24, 2010

HW11, prob1

Can anyone give me a hint to solve prob.1 on the homework. I am stuck with the selection of Vg.


Audrey said...

I am stuck as well. I actually was thinking we had to design the system so it would work with the given range of Vg (stay in ZVS and keep vds below 750 V. Is this not a correct interpretation?

I have solved for F and M for the extreme Vg cases in order to get a ZVS boundary condition function that contains both Lm and n. I know I want to minimize the peak current = jm2 = M*pi/F, but I am not sure how to find an exact value for Lm and n.

I think I understand the state plane pretty well, but I don't really see how it helps me find these values. I also know my D value is limited by the vds limitation. I just can'[t seem to find the missing link.

Aaron said...

You can find n if you use the approximations for Mb,and that M = D. I used this along with the requirement that Vb <= 750 - Vg.

Hope that helps.
