Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ugly Algebra

Is anyone getting a manageable version of ||H(jwso)||? I am at the point where I can barely fit the equation on a single sheet of paper and it's not looking good about reducing the thing much more...

Here's what I got for ||H(jwso)||:

RCwso/(sqrt((RCwso)^2 + (1-LCwso^2)^2))

Just wondering if anyone got anything would would get rid of the radical and help to reduce the massive ugliness that ensues with Genv(s).



Carissa Pocock said...


I agree with your ||H(jw0||, and also got an ugly mess when calculating the derivative at wso. It wasn't quite an entire sheet, but the entire calculation of that part came close. I used a couple sub-variables for common terms like (1- (WLC)^2) to make it easier. MATLAB also helps :) But I didn't see a way around the fun algebra.

As a sanity check, the 2010 blog has some responses with final values.

Good Luck,

Luke T. said...

I just left Genv in the form that was on the website, and then broke apart each term to show the value.

Jares said...
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